A Time to Rise: Cover Reveal & Giveaway

  Here we are, friends. The last and final cover reveal for the Out of Time Series. *deep breath* Three years ago–almost to the day–I received the contract offer for my trilogy from Marcher Lord Press (now Enclave Publishing, an imprint of Gilead Publishing.) At the time, only A Time to Die had been… Continue reading

A Time to Rise has a Release Date!

Well hey there, Ninjas! I’m off teaching at the One Year Adventure Novel conference right now (aka: eating pizza and hanging out with awesome cosplay bookworms.) So I’m going to keep this short. A Time to Rise officially has a release date!! I’ve been telling people, “Sometime in the fall”… Continue reading

How My Manuscript Becomes a Book


I get a lot of questions about how my manuscripts turn into books. They sound a lot like this: “Why isn’t A Time to Rise coming out until FALL?! Don’t you know about your readers’ anguish?” Oh man, don’t I. “I mean, you finished the first draft so…why isn’t it in stores now?” Okay,… Continue reading

I’m Building a Street Team

I know what you’re thinking. “Again? Didn’t you just do a Launch Team or Street Team or Team thingy for A Time to Speak? And didn’t you do it last year, too?” I’M THINKING THE SAME THING! I’m thinking, “This is getting repetitive! And it’s a lot of work. And…do I plan to do… Continue reading

Why Book Three is NOT Titled: “A Time to Live”

Everyone assumed book three would be called A Time to Live. In fact, it even turned into a joke between me and some friends (yes, Lisa Godfrees, I’m looking at you.) And, when you break down the titles and look at the progression, A Time to Live just makes sense, right?… Continue reading

Can You Guess The Title of Book 3?

If you’ve been following me on social media at all, you’ll notice that I’m revealing the title for book 3, one clue at a time. I was going to wait until January to start this scavenger hunt of sorts. Part of me likes keeping the secret all to myself. *evil laugh* But… Continue reading

It’s Release Day! But. . .I Have Some Tragic News

Good news first? IT’S RELEASE DAY!! A Time to Speak is HERE. Not just that, but the rest of the Enclave Publishing line-up is also released, including EMBERS by Ronie Kendig, REBEL by R J Anderson, and THE HIVE by John Otte. I’m also particularly excited for my dear friend Ralene Burke whose debut novel, BELLANOK, releases… Continue reading