Pssst! I Have Secrets to Tell You. Pick One!

We’re coming up on that time of year again! Launch season. (Not to be confused with “Lunch” season. Because lunch season is EVERY DAY, my friends. *runs off to make pizza.* ) It’s the most wonderful time of the year (she says, as she drinks nine cups of tea and pulls out… Continue reading

A Time to Rise: Pre-Order & Swag!

That moment your publisher sends you an e-mail saying, “A Time to Rise is up for pre-order! Go tell people.” That is a happy moment, my friends. A very happy moment. So here I am, grabbing a megaphone and shouting from the mountaintop (or from my writing room . . . same… Continue reading

7 Reasons to Buy From Bookstores

Bookstores — these beautifully torturous sources of inner turmoil for us poor bookworms. Do we go inside and buy books? Browse while leaving our wallets in the car? Avoid them altogether because we know our weaknesses? I don’t know! I DON’T KNOW! Actually I do know. All good bookworms are fans… Continue reading

Why Don’t Authors Write Book Reviews?

Do you ever wonder why authors don’t usually write book reviews? Maybe they don’t read books. (Yeah,we hate those things.) Maybe they don’t have any opinions. (We…are…zombiiiiieeees) Maybe they don’t realize how important or awesome reviews are. (HA! As if…) Maybe they’re too scared. (Yeah, because writing books and having the… Continue reading

Summer Reading List 2016

Summer is HERE, people! (I say this, but I woke to SNOW yesterday. Yes, snow! *shakes finger at Idaho*) And I don’t know about you, but summer always puts me in a reading mood. (Tweet this) I picture myself walking out to a bug-less green glen or knoll with a red-and-black checkered… Continue reading

Waiting On Wednesday: Books and Movies of 2016

Is it just me, or is 2016 FLYING BY?! It’s been probably one of the most upheaving years of my life and we’re only 2 1/2 months in. *weeps* Actually, it’s not weep-worthy. Lots of good things are happening that I’ll slowly divulge in future blog posts so as not… Continue reading