My Author Story (Part 2) — When God Told Me Not to Write

This three-week series of sharing my author story, is in answer to Brent King’s question on my Ask Me Anything post: “I would be fascinated by your personal story…what fueled your passion for…writing and your desire to write.” Here is the author-side of that story. (You can read Part 1 here.)   I thought I… Continue reading

What Do You Do if Your Novel is Hopeless?

As many of you know, I recently entered a major editing stage (aka. torture by red pen) for my book, A Time to Die, in preparation for publication this fall. Last week, a commenter said, “…it’s really powerful for contracted authors…to share truth like this.” (Hi Clint! *waves*) So I’ve put… Continue reading

What if Someone Steals Your Story Idea?

On August 7th, 2011—almost a full year after I started my upcoming novel, A Time to Die—I had an experience that left me numb, cold, and questioning my purpose behind writing. An experience that, I’m sure, every author (and maybe even musician, screenwriter, playwright, poet, painter, and so on) dreads. On… Continue reading

A New Marcher Lord

I created this website and Brandes Editorial with plans to convert it into my author website should the day ever come when I received an offer for a publishing contract. Well, dear readers and writers, the day has arrived (with blaring trumpets, dancing on the streets, and a glorious soundtrack,… Continue reading