Guess whaaaaaaat?! It is the #Walk30Days Challenge YEAR FOUR. Can you believe it’s been four years?
May is National Walking Month and for the past couple years, I’ve challenged you (and myself) to take a walk every day in May…for 30 days. (Note that there are 31 days in May–that means you have a cheat day if you want!) Just like last year, I live somewhere new again so I’m really excited to explore these new surroundings!
Okay, so let’s get into the WHY and WHAT so all the #Walk30Days newbies can join the fun. (A lot of this is copied from past posts because there are only so many ways to say it.)
WHAT is the #Walk30Days Challenge?
Well, the longer answer is to just go read my original post on how daily walks help your creativity. 😉 But the quick answer is this:
I was inspired to get myself outside at least once a day. For the sake of creativity and for the sake of not giving into a sedentary lifestyle. So that prompted the challenge to:
- Take a walk (whether 5 minutes or 50) for. 30. days. in the month of May.
- To take a snapshot (with a camera or your phone…or even sketching it!) of something–a place, a feeling, a discovery–that you encounter on your walk. Feel free to share it on social media using the hashtag #Walk30Days!
- To share. The joy. The adventure. The rediscovery of the world.

Photo from last year’s #Walk30Days Challenge — taken by Teddi Deppner
Even if you can’t commit to every single day, try to join in for a small amount of time! One week. One day a week. ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING.
WHY walking?
Um, let me count the reasons:
- Because walking is so good for your health and your creativity!!
- Because of this quote:
Most writing is done away from the typewriter, away from the desk. I’d say it occurs in the quiet, silent moments, while you’re walking or shaving or playing a game… – Henry Miller
- Because you have feet.
- Because it allows for quiet time in a loud busy world.
- Because I’m doing it and you should too. #yaypeerpressure 😉

Photo from the 2016 #Walk30Days
Tips to get the most out of your short walk:
- PREPARE YOUR MIND…and your schedule. Tell hubby (or wifey) that you’ll be doing this. Invite them to join you. Make sure you have an umbrella for if the day is rainy.
- Leave your phone at home or in your back pocket on silent. Use only for your walk photo! 🙂
- Bring a small journal or notebook with you and take notes on the ideas that you stumble across.
- Don’t soundtrack your walk. No tunes! Rediscover the sounds of life. (This is optional. I know that if you live in the city, sirens and yelling and noise are much nicer when they’re drowned out by great music or an audiobook.)
- Try to get in a few walks alone. There’s a reason we do intentional things like writing, journaling, praying, alone. The brain can breathe a bit easier and think a little clearer. (Just not at night or in dangerous places or without parental permission if you’re not an adult yet. Please stay safe, cautious, and wise.)
- Try to walk a little further each day. I take a little pedometer with me so I can set a goal each day. But I try to make sure that doesn’t trump the purpose of the walk, which is to breathe in some nature (but hopefully not pollen!)
- Use this time to brainstorm, pray, calm down, etc. It’s such a perfect time for quiet time in your mind…especially in the midst of a noisy world.
Not sure if you can commit to a full 30 days? That’s okay! Try it as long as you can. Or jump in here and there at your own pace. Seriously, there is no judging. 🙂
Connect & Share
After your walk and you’ve taken your photo of discovery…share it with other walkers on social media by using the #Walk30Days hashtag! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…whatever! Inspire others and share your own inspiration. 🙂 This is totally not mandatory, but I know sometimes it’s fun to share with others and see where others are traveling and exploring!
#WALK30DAYS has its own Instagram!
The #Walk30Days Instagram is where I will be posting my walking photos, and it will also feature other people’s (maybe yours!) walking photos. So pop by and follow or turn on notifications if you have an Instagram and want to be connected that way!
There’s hidden beauty everywhere — beyond your home, no matter how long you’ve lived there. And it’s our duty to find it. (Tweet this)
Even if you don’t join, what do you do to keep active and creative?
“Because you have feet” <— that made me laugh ;D. I guess I qualify! Not sure I'll be able to walk OUTSIDE for the 30 days (I have awful allergies when it comes to the pollen flying around outside, and we live in a place where there is a LOT of trees), but I'll certain try and hit the treadmill for as many days as I can! This'll be fun, I'm glad you're doing it again 😉
I tried this last year, got about . . . I don’t know, maybe two weeks in? And then I got distracted and the weather was rainy, and I kind of stopped. I’m giving it another go this year, though!
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