Five years ago I wasn’t published, I didn’t even have a book contract, and I was launching my own freelance editing business hardly knowing at all what I was doing. Since then I’ve had the joy and pleasure to work with over 100 authors and watch their careers take them to successful indie publishing and to new book contracts and to new series that I fall in love with. There isn’t a single client I’m not proud of.
It’s hard to believe it’s been only five years. And now…it’s time for that chapter to end.
My editing days are done.
There are several reasons why I became a freelance editor, but a main reason is because I loved it. I loved story and I loved being able to help authors grow in their craft. Aside from being a published author it was my dream job.
On a more practical level, I also wanted to be able to support my pursuits as an author. It’s funny how expensive it can be to be a writer when you take into account all the conferences and hiring freelance editors and classes and marketing tactics.
As my editing business grew, so did my profession as an author. And I finally hit the point where I had to choose one or the other. I did not have the time–or the ability–to balance both businesses. I knew that something would suffer–either the quality of my editing for clients or the quality of my own writing.

My editing space
I have spent the past year slowly stepping back, not taking on any new clients and alerting past clients to this change. It’s been hard–especially to “say no” to new clients who I know I would work well with. But it’s so that I can write–my first passion in the industry of story. And I’ve never understood “For everything there is a season” more than I do now.
First of all, I’m flattered and also sad that I’m not able to be your editor. However, I’ve spent the past year also getting to know the editing styles of several other editors. And I have a list of editors who I believe will take fantastic care of my clients and of you. So if you’re needing a recommendation for an editor, please just send me an email to brandeseditorial(at) gmail(dot)com or you can send a message directly from my contact page.
Who knows? I know I’ll miss it. I still love it. And maybe, if I decide I’m done being an author–or I take a hiatus from writing–I’ll return to the editing. I plan to keep building my craft and sharpening my editing brain so that if I do return I can jump right back in.
But for now…thank you. Thank you to all of my authors who entrusted their beautiful manuscripts to my keeping (and to my red pen.) Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me and supported me in this editing journey. Here’s to a wonderful five years. I wonder what I’ll be looking back on five years from now. I’m not sure, but I can guarantee it’ll be a wild adventure.
Have you ever had to step away from something you love?
For the writers in the room: Have you ever worked with or thought about working with a freelance editor?
I saw the title of this post and the melancholy settled in. I assume this includes the Shalom edit?
I’m grateful for the years you were able to accept clients. You taught me so, SO much and got me started on this road by pointing me in the right direction. (I know collect all of Jeff Gerke’s how-to-write books).
I did always wonder how anyone could possibly juggle it all, so I understand that it’s time to put freelance editing aside. But I will definitely miss it. For months I’ve been telling myself I should try submitting another book for an edit; but alas I procrastinated!
I am happy to say that your past suggestions are still in my mind as I write. I will continue attempting to incorporate them into this series and it’s characters.
You’ve made a difference in my writing, both as an editor and an author. Thank you!!
Hi sweet friend!
Yes, for now it includes the Shalom Edit. Just because I don’t have the time to commit to editing. :/ I’m so thankful to have been able to edit for you!! And I am so proud to see your heart behind your writing!!
Dear Sweet Nadine,
I saw this coming!
Sad for me, happy for you!
Take off your percheek costume and fly!!!!!
Love you, blessings, Eldie Wood
This comment made me both smile and cry. <3 Thank you Eldie!! I will certainly miss the percheek stories.
Aww, different stages of life can be so sad to farewell, but also so exciting for the new opportunities they open up!
I can’t wait to see where you’ve gotten to five years from now. 😀
Wow. It’s crazy to think about life five years from now! Five years AGO I wasn’t even published!!! *jaw drop*
Oh! I knew this day was coming. I am so excited for you as you flourish in this new season. I am so glad I was able to work with you on Darkened Hope. Thank you!!
And to answer your question: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am actually in a similar season. Of letting go of one thing I never thought I’d have to and embracing something I didn’t want, but must. And the struggle of accepting it has been sooooo hard. Wish you all the best!
Oh how I loved working on Darkened Hope! I’ve actually had an itch to reread those books recently. 🙂
It can be so hard to accept something we don’t want! I’ve been there in the past and I’m thankful that this round is something I DO want. But I will certainly be praying for you as you make transitions! <3
aw, I was hoping you were going to be my editor one day, but these kind of decisions have to be made. Hope this new plan works for you and frees up some of your time. 🙂
Awww. *sad face* I so wish I could. Maybe someday I’ll be able to come back to editing, but for now I have to be obedient to God’s calling. <3
May your writing be showered with blessings and growth!
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