Paper mail:
I love physical mail! And fan mail/art! And hearing from you! Please send any physical mail to:
Nadine Brandes
P. O. Box A
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
I read every single letter sent to me but due to deadlines and time constraints I’m unable to reply to them all. Please know that I reply to those that I can and I’m so thankful for each of you who take the time to send me something.
Newsletter Sign-Up:
The best way to keep up on all my happenings–updates, book news, my recent unicorn-taming attempts–is via my newsletter. (Sign up below.)
Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs)
As much as I wish I had a closet filled with books that I could send to everyone…I just don’t. (My closets are too small.) If you are looking for an ARC or free review copy of one of my books, please contact the publisher of the desired book. They make the final decisions on who gets ARCs since I’m too busy writing.
Blurb/Endorsement requests:
I am currently closed to endorsement requests. My life and writing/editing/reading schedule currently make it impossible for me to take on any endorsements. Thank you for understanding!
Speaking or Teaching requests:
If you are wanting to inquire about my availability for a teaching opportunity for a conference or virtual event, please reach out via the contact form below.
Book reviews:
I love books: let’s just get that out of the way. And if you’ve written a book, that is a huge accomplishment! But unfortunately I cannot review your magnificent masterpiece. That’s just not something I do, and I simply don’t have time to read books that aren’t already on my list. Thank you for your understanding!
I love hearing from you! Please note that, due to the fact my inbox likes to pretend it’s a grenade, I can’t promise a reply (and even when I do get to reply it’s often a solid month or two late. *cringe*) But I do read every single one of my messages! Feel free to contact me through the form below: