Let the countdown BEGIIIIIIIN! *hands out Clocks*
30 days, my friends. Let’s start the countdown. Do you have your Clock? Good, because you don’t want to be Clock-checked by the Enforcers right now. The Council is getting a bit invasive with these new Clocks.
Over the next 30 days I’ll be counting down to the release of A Time to Rise with fun reveals, questions, posts, inside scoops, etc. Oh yes, and giveaways. Because giveaways are crucial to celebrations. Almost more important than Oreos.
First up on the celebration front:
A Time to Rise Pinterest Board
Did you know there is a Pinterest board for each book in the Out of Time Series? All posts are fairly spoiler free, so go . . . explore! And call me when you get back dahlink, I enjoy our visits. (This is a movie quote. I’m not just being weird. Who gets it? Clue: Edna Mode)
Facebook Party
Yeah, you read that right. There’s gonna be a Facebook party for the release of A Time to Rise.
“But wait. Nadine . . . isn’t it too early–”
IT IS NEVER TOO EARLY FOR A FACEBOOK PARTY!! *ahem* Okay, so I’ve set up the Facebook party page already, so what? I did this for the people who just really need to plan a month in advance. I was being impatient sensitive.
There may or may not be little giveaways and fun chat for people who mark “going” a month in advance. Just sayin’.
By the way, THERE WILL BE GUESTS AT THIS PARTY. Guests beside you. Authorly awesome guests who have written tasty booooooooks. (Wow, I’m really being weird today. I’m not sorry.) Can I get a “Woot! Woot!” for the lovely Sara Ella? Her debut YA fairytalesque fantasy novel Unblemished comes out October 11th through Thomas Nelson Publishing!
Also coming on board for the party is the amazing S. D. Grimm to celebrate her debut fantasy novel, Scarlet Moon which releases October 14th (same as mine!) from Enclave Publishing (same as me!) It’s like we’re publishing sisters or something.
Upcoming Countdowny Things
So I’ve built up your curiosity. If I was a good author, I’d leave you hanging LIKE A BOOK ON A CLIFFHANGER! But I’m not that cruel. (Ha . . . ha . . . ha . . . ) So I’ll give you some ideas on what may or may not be coming during this 30 day countdown:
- 15 Random Facts about the Out of Time Series (as you requested back on that one blog post of voting.)
- A daily photo challenge starting October 1st.
- A possible ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) giveaway? *mwahaha*
- More reveals from the swag pack. (LINK TO InstAgRAM)
- Photos of my books with puppies. Oh wait . . . that already happened:

Photo taken by the lovely Rosalie Valentine
You get the picture.
Where is all this stuff happening you ask? Not many places. Just my blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and my Newsletter. So . . . basically everywhere, actually.
Your turn!
How do you feel about having a 30-day Clock? Think you’ll zero out?
What do these next 30 days have in store for you?
Don’t forget that if you pre-order A Time to Rise you can get a special packet of bookmark swag!
Eeek! I’m SO excited!!
And! And! And! My sister just got a Facebook account last month… and she said that during book Facebook parties I can use it!!! *squeals* Now I just have to be a pleasant sister for a month….
EDNA MODE. Oh my goodness, that movie is my life!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh! That’s so exciting! She should TOTALLY let you use it. You could bribe her and say you’ll share a prize with her if you win one. 😛
ANd SO glad you got the Edna Mode reference! Ha!
*flails forever and a day* I’M SO EXCITED!! Oh goodness – this is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!
*desperately wants to pet the puppy because TOO MUCH CUTENESS*
And I wanted to let you know that I finished reading A Time To Die and it was AH-MAZING. Seriously, it lived up to all the hype. (also, my blog is public now, so that’s where I’ll be posting the review when Sept. 19 rolls around)
Oh – ahem, that was Savannah Perran. Sorry if the name change caused confusion XD.
EEP! Yay!! *happy dance* I’m SO glad you loved it. Can’t wait to see your new blog!
Fabulous. xD I can’t wait. Aaahhh. ^-^
Wow. So. I. Uh. o.o Just found out you have A Time to Rise quotes on Goodreads.
Oi. o.o
I’m not even breathing right now. Seriously. I’m holding my breath. >.<
Wooow, I can't wait. I really can't. I can't. O.O
Yep…. I put all my favourite quotes on there as I read the book (ARC), because you need goodread quotes! (My sister also put a few she found on there as well) Like those quotes away and then they will show up on even more peoples feeds. Which is the point right, Let more people know about these amazing books!
I’m so glad you and Alice added quotes! You’re right, they show up more on feeds and they grab attention. I’ve been hoping someone would do that. 🙂 <3
AAAAHHHH. *flails forever* Is it possible for me to be more stoked right now?
THAT PINTEREST BOARD! I see some new names; now I’m really wondering who Sasha and Gloria are. o.o
Ohhhh, yay, a 15 random facts post! 😀 I am ridiculously excited for that.
I’m basically ridiculously excited about this whole thing. xD
Mwahaha! Yes you shall meet new people. *rubs hands together*
*dances around*
Basically your excitement makes me excited. 😉
Yay! So exciting! That Pinterest board is awesome!!
Thanks Katelyn! That means a lot coming from the Pinterest queen. 😉
Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! SO EXCITED!!!! I’m almost done with A Time to Die! Reviews will be up soon!
Hay! I always quote that line of Edna’s (and people usually look at me weird, but I guess I’m not the only one;)!
Eeee! So excited!
…did I already say that… ;]