The Lost Art of Writing – How do you create?

I am incredibly thankful for the time period in which I was born. Writing and publishing books has never been more accessible than it is today. It’s exciting. It’s terrifying. But I also find myself thinking about the lost art of writing–the writing arts from the past. It’s something dear… Continue reading

Understanding Why First Drafts Are So Hard

Camp NaNoWriMo started at the beginning of this month and I’m currently headed to a writing retreat trying to complete the first draft of my work in progress. (For once, it’s going splendidly!) As I write every day, I’m reminded how terrible first drafts are. And I’ve been thinking about… Continue reading

Camp NaNoWriMo: Let The Writing Begin! (And May the Words Be Ever In Your Favor)

(The answers to last week’s 10 Truths & 2 Lies have been posted on that blog! Click to go see if you guessed right!) April is one of my favorite months for many reasons. The flowers start coming out, the weather is in that pleasant phase where you can go on… Continue reading

Is NaNoWriMo Even Possible? 11 Authors Prove “YES.”

Yes, I’m joining the crazies. I’m attempting NaNoWriMo 2016. Already, my brain keeps whispering, It’s okay if you only make it to 5k instead of 50k. But I’m trying to be stronger than my brain. (Um…what?) I’m trying to dream of big word counts and flying fingers. (So far I’m failing and… Continue reading

Who’s Doing Camp NaNo?

Alert! Writers! Do you know what Camp NaNo is? If you don’t, then I’m afraid to inform you that I’ve just shot you with with an eyeball-super-glue-laser and now you’re not allowed to look away from this blog post until you’ve finished reading. What is this weirdly-titled thing called Camp NaNo?… Continue reading

12 Questions About Your NaNoWriMo Plans

  [ujicountdown id=”NaNoWriMo” expire=”2013/11/01 00:00″]   I just about spit out my chai latte when someone pointed out that NaNoWriMo is next month. Shouldn’t I have an author radar alerting me? For less than three years, I’ve known about NaNoWriMo and I realized I needed much more than a two-day heads… Continue reading