Calling all Bloggers for The Rise Tour

The Rise Tour Promo 2

On October 14th, the conclusion to the Out of Time Series will be released. [insert mixed feelings and jumbled emoji attempts ? ? ? ? ? ] I’d be lying if I didn’t say it’s rather bittersweet and I’m already having some specific character-withdrawals.

A Time to Rise marks the end of a writing journey that started almost exactly six years ago, yet it also marks the start of a new journey into fresh worlds and new characters. It’s hard to believe that only two years ago I was preparing for the release of my debut novel, A Time to Diefeeling invisible to the world and wondering if anyone would like Parvin or Jude or Willow or Hawke. [Silly me.]

*deep breath* SO . . . In the weeks leading up to the release of A Time to Rise on October 14th, 2016, I want to celebrate the books that brought us all together. I can’t do it alone.


First things first. If you  haven’t joined the Thunderclap for the book’s release, please do that here: (we need 100 sign ups for it to happen.) This is just committing to a single tweet to promote the book (and you don’t even have to remember to do it!)

Join the Thunderclap

Dude, what is this tour thing?

I’m calling all bloggers/vloggers/bookTubers/readers who would like to be involved in The Rise Tour. (Doesn’t that title just sound so dramatic? 😛 ) The Rise Tour will have three elements to it:

  • Blog tour: Where bloggers/vloggers can celebrate their favorite books in the Out of Time series with blogs that have music, fan creations, thoughtful post, review summaries, and more. (Pretty much you can do whatever you want, as long as it ties and links back to the books.)
  • Reviews: I am opening up review requests for the first two books in the Out of Time series (A Time to Die & A Time to Speak to those who haven’t yet reviewed the books.)
  • ARC reviews: of A Time to Rise (book 3), the final book in the Out of Time Series.

Bloggers can sign up to be a part of the tour, or to review, or both.

For the Blog Tour:

Tour participants do not need to have reviewed the Out of Time books previously. You can post about A Time to Rise, or any reason you’re excited for the series. You can write a thoughtful post about “rising up” or a situation that made you have to grow in a significant way.

You can do anything, as long as it ties in with the books or series or your excitement in some way. 🙂

For the Reviewers:

Reviewers must have read and reviewed the books that come before the book they are requesting (i.e., if you request A Time to Rise you must have read and reviewed books one and two previously.)

When does the awesome stuff happen?

The tour will take place from September 19th through the release on October 14th. Tour participants and reviewers will be asked to post in a week corresponding to the book they are featuring/reviewing:

  • A Time to Die (September 19-27)
  • A Time to Speak (September 28 – October 5)
  • A Time to Rise (October 6 – October 13)

To participate in the tour, you’ll need to have some form of dedicated book blog/vlog/outlet. However, even if you are not picked for the official tour, or do not meet the requirements, or don’t want to commit but are still interested, you are still welcome to post on social media featuring the books during these weeks or on your personal blog!

If you are interested in signing up, please read carefully and fill out the following form. Because the tour start date isn’t far, people will be contacted quickly.




Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to celebrating and crying and fangirling and binge-eating Oreos with you all! 😀

p.s. Please feel free to share this page with any bloggers, vloggers, bookish peeps you feel might enjoy the series.

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