I spend much of my time living vicariously through my own imagination.
Being a fiction author means I spend half my life imagining things that can never happen, people who will never exist, and fantasy worlds that I can’t get to. It’s still exhilarating–it inspires me to step out and do adventurous things.
The other day, I discovered something called a “Fiction Bucketlist” on Pinterest. It was too good to pass up, so I thought I’d share my top ten fiction bucketlist goals. [grin]
(To see the rest of them, visit and/or follow me on my Pinterest!)
I want to:

Picture borrowed from this site.

Picture borrowed from this site.

Picture borrowed from this site.

Picture borrowed from this site.

Photo borrowed from this site.

Picture borrowed from this site.

Picture borrowed from this site.

Picture borrowed from this site.

Picture borrowed from this site.
Tell me in the comments, what might be on your fiction bucket list? Feel free to pin any of these onto your own bucket list! 🙂 Want to know what else is on my fiction bucket list, or just get ideas for your own? Visit my Pinterest!
(Want to start your own? Here is the site from which I got my ideas–warning, the page may take a while to load)
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I’d have to think about this for a very long time to come up with a list I’m fully satisfied with, but it would definitely include the Batmobile.
Yes, I’ve found about 20 on more of a whim, but I look forward to really hashing through what else I’d like on the list. The Batmobile is a good one! 😀
My Top Ten could possible be Harry Potter EVERYTHING!
Haha, I’m right there with you, Tricia!
I love this idea! And it would take me awhile to come up with a good list. These things can’t be taken lightly, ya know. 😉 Thanks for sharing! I will have to borrow this.
Of course not. 🙂 I still feel like I may have rushed into a couple of these. 😛 I look forward to seeing yours when you create it!
I have learned from this list that I should be reading more fiction, because I don’t know some of those. Also, you forgot, practice bloodvoiceing. 🙂
More fiction! More fiction! [grin] Actually, some of these come from movies (and even video games), so not all are just books. That may be why you haven’t heard of/read some of them.
And I remembered Achan and Vrell, just wasn’t able to fit them in this post. You can find them here, though! http://www.pinterest.com/pin/235946467951504528/
Maybe you and I can practice blood voicing together, Megan. I think we’d be good at it. 😀
I don’t know why something to eat is where my name is supposed to be…I think because I used the same email address.
No worries. 🙂 I knew it was you.
Love it!
Watch as Aslan roars creation to life!
Ooh, good one, Stef! That’s certainly going on the list. 😀