Is NaNoWriMo Even Possible? 11 Authors Prove “YES.”

Yes, I’m joining the crazies. I’m attempting NaNoWriMo 2016. Already, my brain keeps whispering, It’s okay if you only make it to 5k instead of 50k. But I’m trying to be stronger than my brain. (Um…what?) I’m trying to dream of big word counts and flying fingers. (So far I’m failing and… Continue reading

A Time to Rise is HERE: Confessions of a Freaked-Out Author on Release Day

It’s here. It’s today. I have released A Time to Rise into the world. (Okay, so my publisher actually let it loose, but still…) I feel like a parent letting my kid go off to their first day of school and hoping that they find the right friends and avoid the bullies and… Continue reading

Top 10 Bookish Items For Your Writing Space

  A writing space is sacred. It is where worlds are built, characters are born, and spells are cast from different handwriting. So I figured it’s about time I showed you my writing space, and the bookish items in it that inspire me. Last week we had company over so I cleaned my… Continue reading

Writing With God is Inconvenient – (2016 ACFW Conference Recap)

I’ve rewritten the start of this post at least six times, mainly because I don’t know which direction I should take when summing up this year’s ACFW Conference. Should I be goofy and talk about how I accidentally hugged a complete stranger (oops)? Should I be excited and mention how… Continue reading

How Do You Know if Writing Is God’s Plan For Your Life?

Two months ago, I spoke at the One Year Adventure Novel Conference and one point I covered in one of my talks was “How do you know if writing is God’s plan for your life?” I’ve just returned from the Realm Makers Conference where I met with a lot of authors questioning what… Continue reading

I’m Writing My Next Book by Typewriter

Yes, really. Don’t believe me? Well, let me convince you. The next book was supposed to be by hand. In fact, a lot of people have been asking, “Weren’t you writing your next book by hand?” because I’d made it clear that was my next plan. Let me explain what happened:… Continue reading

How My Manuscript Becomes a Book


I get a lot of questions about how my manuscripts turn into books. They sound a lot like this: “Why isn’t A Time to Rise coming out until FALL?! Don’t you know about your readers’ anguish?” Oh man, don’t I. “I mean, you finished the first draft so…why isn’t it in stores now?” Okay,… Continue reading