30 Day Countdown: A Time to Rise Pinterest Board & FB Party

Let the countdown BEGIIIIIIIN! *hands out Clocks* 30 days, my friends. Let’s start the countdown. Do you have your Clock? Good, because you don’t want to be Clock-checked by the Enforcers right now. The Council is getting a bit invasive with these new Clocks. Over the next 30 days I’ll… Continue reading

How My Manuscript Becomes a Book


I get a lot of questions about how my manuscripts turn into books. They sound a lot like this: “Why isn’t A Time to Rise coming out until FALL?! Don’t you know about your readers’ anguish?” Oh man, don’t I. “I mean, you finished the first draft so…why isn’t it in stores now?” Okay,… Continue reading

A Time to Die – Christy Award Finalist!

Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this weekly broadcast with a very important announcement. . . It’s the type of announcement that makes an author’s hands shake (can’t…type…!), that demands celebration tunes blasting through the kitchen, that makes an author freak out her parents when she states, “I have something to tell… Continue reading

Release Day! — A Time to Die Paperback

The paperback has been unleashed! A Time to Die releases today in paperback. I’m a bit more excited about this than I am about the e-book, I’ll admit. My veins are made of rolled up paper. I’m not alone in this, either. (I see you, fellow paper-lover!) I know a lot of… Continue reading

Inside the Book: ~Meet Skelley Chase~

Follow me. For the next two months, we will wander onto the unknown paths of A Time to Die. I expect we’ll meet new characters, foreign places, wondrous inventions, and maybe a little danger… —————————————————————————————————————– Character Interview #4 — Skelley Chase Incredible fan art by Angel Roman  . Hi Mr. Chase! Ah yes, hello. I’d like… Continue reading

If I Had One Year Left to Live… (~A Time to Die Blog Hop~)

  …I might stop writing. *Gasp* My heart shreds into confetti at the very idea, but one year isn’t very long. I’ve thought quite hard over this concept. Let me explain, for a moment, why I’m even blogging on it. Today I’m kicking off the blog hop to promote my book,… Continue reading

What is this “Pre-Order on Kickstarter” Thing All About?

Woah, woah, woah, two blog posts back to back? Nadine, what are you doing? Well, dear friends, we’ve entered a new realm where so many exciting things are happening I can’t possibly constrain them to a single post a week. If you’ve been on Facebook at all, you’ve probably seen this lovely promotion floating around quite often.… Continue reading