Guys . . . I Saw J. K. Rowling. ?

I sometiems get nervous telling someone I’m a Harry Potter fan. Mainly . . . telling a Christian someone that I’m a Harry Potter fan. All because of the ol’ controversy about magic. Which has some valid points, but also which gets blown out of proportion most of the time. Aaaaaanyway… Continue reading

10 Truths & 2 Lies – TAKE TWO!

Last time I was traveling, I did a fun filler post called 10 Truths & 2 Lies. Well, I’m traveling again! (Actually I just claim I’m traveling because this type of post was so much fun last time that I just really want to do it again.) This week I’m attending the Realm Makers… Continue reading

I’ve Moved!

Because life wasn’t busy enough writing books and editing books and celebrating anniversaries and going on cruises I thought you should know . . . WE’VE MOVED! We = hubby and me. And our lemon tree. (We don’t have pets.) Oh, and this happened yesterday. That’s . . . just . .… Continue reading

#Walk30Days Challenge – Year 2!

It’s that time again! Last year some of you joined me in the #Walk30Days challenge and . . . guess what? 365 days have passed since then! Time to pull out your flip-flops (yes, flip flops, because I’m totally not committed enough to buy special shoes) and take a daily… Continue reading

Typewriting in Bermuda: The Report of an Introverted Writer

WE DIDN’T GET LOST IN THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE! I’m kind of disappointed because I expected to be like Gulliver and wash up on an island of mini-people. But then I realized it’d be super hard to contact my publisher from there because the computers would be way too tiny to… Continue reading

ADVENTURING AUTHOR: Bermuda, Bahamas, Come On Pretty Mamma

Beach Boys. Anyone? Anyone? No? *sigh* As you might have seen this month’s newsletter, hubby and I will be taking a cruise to Bermuda next week! So if you never hear from us again, know that we’re exploring the Bermuda triangle and have probably disappeared to another realm (I’ve put in a… Continue reading

I’m Writing My Next Book by Typewriter

Yes, really. Don’t believe me? Well, let me convince you. The next book was supposed to be by hand. In fact, a lot of people have been asking, “Weren’t you writing your next book by hand?” because I’d made it clear that was my next plan. Let me explain what happened:… Continue reading

Fangirling: In Which I Attend My First Book Signing

Hm…if fangirls can be authors, can authors be fangirls? Let’s look at an example of author fangirling: A certain author (we won’t name names) might really like Marissa Meyer — the author of The Lunar Chronicles — and she might drive 5 hours to Salt Lake to meet said amazing Marissa,… Continue reading